Could you be interested in RCIA?

Would you like to learn more about the Catholic faith?  

Perhaps you have never been baptized, or maybe baptized as a Catholic (or other Christian faith) but never received further faith formation - We welcome your inquiry and look forward to walking with you on your faith journey. The process by which adults come into the church is called "RCIA" - the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. Adults are fully initiated into the Catholic Church during this process, celebrating Baptism, if needed, Confirmation and First Eucharist. Inquirers bring their questions about Christianity and Catholicism to the meetings, which are led by members of the RCIA team.

Perhaps your school age child has never been baptized or received First Eucharist. Do you have an older high school student who has not been confirmed? We offer a wonderful program for them as well!. 

Take the first step - tell us a little about yourself by completing the RCIA inquiry form below or call our parish office to plan a visit with our pastor - 609 268 8383 ext. 100.  We also invite you to click on the images below for some more details on each of these specific RCIA options. 

circlerightarrow RCIA INQUIRY FORM