Bahá'íHOLY Saturday, April 19th

9:00 am Morning Prayer

9:30 am Blessing of Easter Food

10:00 am EASTER EGG HUNT - hosted by the Knights of Columbus

8:00 pm Easter Vigil Mass

Bahá'í EASTER - SUNDAY, April 20th

Mass Times: 9:00am & 11:00am

9:00am Easter Mass is also live streamed - connect HERE or at the top of

certificatePRAISE PARTY - Is offered at both Easter Sunday Masses. Praise Party is a fun and engaging program designed for kids in grades K-5. The experience retells the Easter story through skits, music, games, and videos. Your kids won’t want to miss this! (SCROLL DOWN FOR MORE DETAILS)


We look forward to making Holy Week and Easter fresh, encouraging and joyful.  There are many areas that require  your hands and feet...Join our team to make these events very special. 

Areas to serve include: 

  • Greeter and Host Ministers for our Masses and Services during Holy Week
  • Praise Party Section Leaders and Hall Monitor Ministers
  • Setup
  • Water Easter Plants

To join our important mission to make our Easter Celebration and Holy Week Experiences successful or for a description of each task, click the IMAGE below


Praise Party has been a tradition here at Holy Eucharist for many years.  It's a wonderful experience for our young visitors who attend Mass on Easter Sunday.

During both of the Easter Sunday Masses (9:00am and 11:00am), kids will be invited to join our experience in Hoffman Hall.  The celebration will be for the first half of Mass and then kids will return to their family during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. 

Praise Party is a fun and engaging program for kids in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. Kids younger than 5 are invited to attend with a parent or guardian.

This event is only an awesome experience through the help of our volunteers. If you are a teen or adult who would like to be a part of our Praise Party Team, please click the SERVE IMAGE ABOVE



All kids up to 10 years old are invited to the Annual Knights of Columbus Easter Egg Hunt.  We will gather in Hoffman Hall inside the Church of the Holy Eucharist starting at 9:30am.  We will serve donuts, coffee, milk and juice as we gather.  The Easter Egg hunt will be outside in the courtyard at 10am. Then we'll head back inside for door prizes and pictures with the Easter Bunny. 

Bahá'í Palm Sunday MASSES

April 12th Saturday 5:00pm

April 13th Sunday 8:30am and 10:30am - also live streamed

Bahá'í Holy Thursday - April 17th

9:00am Morning Prayer

7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper - Come and celebrate the Last Supper Mass

This Mass is also live streamed

10:00pm Night Prayer during Adoration

Adoration through the night until 9:00am on Good Friday (4/18) - also live streamed. 


If you can sit with Jesus for an hour during the night, please sign-up for an hour by clicking the link below.  If you are unable to commit for an hour - no problem, come and attend Adoration at your convenience for as long as you'd like.


Bahá'í GOOD FRIDAY - April 18th

9:00am Morning Prayer

3:00pm Celebration of the Passion of the Lord - also live streamed

7:00pm Stations of the Cross

Take a special walk with us through the Passion of Jesus. All are invited to attend a special presentation of the Stations of the Cross by our HERO Youth Ministry. This unique Way of the Cross will include live, audio and visual components created for this one of a kind event in our worship space.


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