Schedule an event

If you wish to request a meeting or event, please complete the following form.   The planning team will review the calendar  and  your request and get back to you.  Thank you!



(For the Full Parish Calendar OF ONGOING EVENTS, Scroll down)

Some events may have more information, if so, you will be able to click the image and be directed to the event page.

  • List Item

  • Caring for the earth is a requirement of our faith. We are called to protect people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of God's creation.

    If you would like to be a part of the Environmental ministry, join us on Tuesday, February 11th at 7:00PM in the St. Francis of Assisi Room in the Faith Formation center. The ministry is open to all who care about creation. For more information email Janet Boris

    Did you know you can help raise funds for Holy Eucharist by recycling your old ink jet cartridges? There is a collection box in the HOPE Office for used inkjet cartridges or you can visit, use our Program ID 32508 and request a free shipping label to send your ink cartridges. Thank you for your support!

  • Weekly Eucharistic Adoration will be extended until 8:00pm on Wednesday, February 12th.

  • iTHIRST Addictions Support Ministry invites our parish and anyone who has family or friends in recovery or active addiction to participate in this ministry. Our next meeting is Thursday, February 13th from 7:00pm to 8:00pm in Hoffman Hall. We will listen to our experiences, share information, and comfort those who have been affected by the disease of addiction as we support one another on the road to hope and recovery.

  • The Annual Catholic Appeal is integral to the mission and services of the Diocese of Trenton.

    Your Appeal gift supports the effort to ensure that there will be priests, deacons and religious to sustain and nurture the sacramental life of our parishes. It provides day to day assistance to those among us with the greatest needs, training for seminarians, and for youth in our Catholic schools and religious education programs. The Annual Appeal ensures the funding necessary so that these programs may continue to serve thousands throughout the counties of Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth and Ocean.

    Please prayerfully consider your gift to the 2025 Annual Catholic Appeal. For details on how to give now or for more information click the image or visit:

  • Join a Small Group for Lent - click for more information


    ACTS Women’s Ministry welcomes women of all ages as we form new friendships, strengthen old ones, share our faith, and serve our church and community. Our next meeting is Tuesday, February 18th at 7pm in the Children of Terezin room. We have exciting activities and service opportunities planned over the next few months so come on out and see what the excitement is all about. We hope to see you there!

    Email for more information.

  • The next meeting is 10am to 11:30am Thursday, February 20th in the Pope John XXIII room. We pray, work on our projects and bless our shawls, lapghans, pocket prayer shawls, hats and scarves. For more information email or

    Meetings are the third Thursday of the month from September to May. 

  • We invite kids in grades 5 to 7 to our Middle School Ministry meeting on Friday, February 28TH from 6 to 8pm in the cafe. The Middle School Ministry aims to build a bridge between Time Travelers aimed at our elementary school aged children and our HERO youth ministry designed for teens.

  • Anyone who has lost a loved one, either recently or in past years, is invited to gather in prayer and conversation with our bereavement ministers at their monthly meeting on Monday, March 3rd. Meetings are the first Monday of the month at 1:30pm in the Pope John XXIII Room in the Faith Formation center. For more information, call the Parish office at 609-268-8383 ext. 100.

  • The next Seniors Meeting is Thursday, March 6th at 1pm in Hoffman Hall. Entertainment will be from The Greater Pinelands Dulcimer Society. All Seniors are welcome!

    For more information call Linda Camarda at 609-859-0279.

Parish Calendar  

(To view a larger version online, click HERE)

Click on an event for the details, invite someone to your event or send yourself a reminder!