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If you wish to request a meeting or event, please complete the following form.   The planning team will review the calendar  and  your request and get back to you.  Thank you!



(For the Full Parish Calendar OF ONGOING EVENTS, Scroll down)

Some events may have more information, if so, you will be able to click the image and be directed to the event page.


  • Although abortion is no longer promoted as a constitutional right, each state sets its own limits and abortion remains legal in New Jersey. The Cherry Hill Women’s Center has increased its abortion numbers due to out of state clients. Over 200 babies, up to 28 weeks in utero, die weekly.

    Join us on the sidewalk in front of the women’s center. We do not judge, we pray for the babies and their parents. Nine babies’ lives have been saved in Cherry Hill so far this year that we know about. There are most likely more since it’s been reported that up to 75% of women may not keep their abortion appointments if they see people praying outside.

    During the Fall campaign we hope to have 2 people present to pray peacefully from 7am until 7pm from Tuesday- Saturday. Most volunteers commit to 1 hour per week for the 6 weeks.

    Email or 856-313-9861 for more information or for help registering and signing up.

    40 Days for Life Intro to Praying at Women's Center Meeting at Holy Eucharist 9/16 at 7pm

  • ACTS Women’s Ministry is back in full swing. We welcome women of all ages to join us as we serve our church and community, build new friendships, and worship our Lord. We’ve planned many events and opportunities to serve and hope you will join us. Meetings are the third Tuesday of every month and our next meeting is Tuesday, September 17th at 7pm in the Children of Terezin room. We will be collecting personal toiletries and women’s hygiene projects for Saint Vincent de Paul. We hope you’ll join us and look forward to seeing you all there.

  • The Prayer Shawl Ministry is back from summer break! If you like to knit or crochet projects, consider joining us on Thursday, September 19th 10am - 11:30am.

    Meetings are the third Thursday of the month from September to May. We pray, socialize, work on our projects, and bless shawls, lapghans, pocket prayer shawls and scarves. For more information email Jean at or Judy at

  • Middle School Ministry, Friday September 20th from 6pm to 8pm

    We invite kids in grades 5 to 7 to our Middle School Ministry meeting on Friday, September 20TH from 6 to 8pm in the cafe. The Middle School Ministry aims to build a bridge between Time Travelers aimed at our elementary school aged children and our HERO youth ministry designed for teens. We will have pizza, games, music, faith and yummy snacks! Come check us out!

  • Click image for more information

  • The next meeting is Thursday, October 3rd at 1pm in Hoffman Hall. All Seniors are welcome! 

    For more information call Denise Panico at 609-760-3145. 

Parish Calendar  

(To view a larger version online, click HERE)

Click on an event for the details, invite someone to your event or send yourself a reminder!