Stewardship weekend was the weekend of 11/17. It's a weekend where we lay out the financial position of our parish. Father McClane shared in his message how our investment, as a part of Holy Eucharist Church, has supported our mission in many ways, but that we are currently working in a deficit.
Many of our parishioners should have received a Stewardship packet in the mail especially if you received the first letter a few weeks ago. The packet contains a letter from Father McClane, some highlights and events at Holy Eucharist from over the last year, testimonials, and more. It also includes a return envelope for a commitment card that unfortunately did not make it into the mailed packet as planned.
Due to this missing piece, we have Stewardship Commitment Cards and envelopes at our Welcome Center. Please take a card home and after discerning your level of financial support this coming year for your church, use the envelope in your packet or from the welcome center to return it as directed on the card. OR you can use the ONLINE COMMITMENT CARD link above.
If you did not receive a mailed Stewardship Packet, there are some extra packets at the Welcome Center, or you can access the full mailed packet by scrolling down to the links below..
We thank you for your understanding through this unforeseen issue and giving us the opportunity to make the Stewardship packet complete. We look forward to working together as we continue to support our mission in our church and our community.