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An invitation to a holy lent

Dear friends:

This year during Lent, we would like to invite you to join us on a journey with Jesus toward the Cross, a journey that we hope will change your lives forever. We want to challenge you to set aside time to deepen your relationship with God by entering the brokenness of your lives and world. Allow yourself to encounter Christ as you reflect on all the aspects of your life and our world that distort your ability to live as effective

representatives of God and God’s kingdom.

Accept the invitation.

Looking forward to seeing you. 

Fr. Andrew


Sometimes, inviting friends or neighbors to church can be uncomfortable. Sadly, this is because many of us don’t do it very often. We are out of practice!   But what’s a better time to change our habits, make a fresh start, and extend the love of Christ to those around us than Easter Sunday—the day of new life, resurrection, and hope? 

Relationship always starts with an invitation, from one person to another. Here are some ways you can extend Easter invitations to those around you:

1. Pray for them by name before inviting them.  Ask God to go before you, and create a smooth path of conversation for you. Praying for the person will also ease your nerves and put things in appropriate perspective. 

2. Pair the invitation with food or hospitality. Invite them to coffee before Mass or lunch afterward with you and your family. Tell them the menu! Explain there’s plenty of food, and you’d be honored to have them as your guest. 

3. Pick them up at their house that morning and ride to church together. Walking into a new church can be intimidating for your friend, as can figuring out your meeting-spot and navigating the unfamiliar parking lot. Take the guesswork out of it for them! 

4. Be specific. Don’t speak in generalities. It’s easier for people to say “no” to an incomplete invitation with vague details. Don’t just ask them if they’d like to attend Easter Mass with you. Tell them when it starts, when you’ll be leaving your house, when it will be over, where you plan to go to lunch afterward, etc. Then, see what they say! 

5. Have compassion toward their insecurities about church. If you know there are reasons they don’t usually attend church, be sensitive. Say, “I’m aware of some of your views about church, but if you’d at all be interested, my church is having a really amazing service on Sunday. I’ll be sitting right there with you, and I’d love for you to feel freedom to come if you are at all curious.”   

6. Use social media. You’ve already got the followers and the platform. Why over complicate things? Utilize your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts to invite people. Ask your followers to direct message you or text you if they want specific details.   Share the image we have posted on Facebook!  

7. Just ask! Don’t overthink it. When you’re at the store, out for a walk, working out at the gym, attending classes, or in the break room at work—just take a deep breath, smile, and ask! 

We can't wait to welcome you this Easter!!

giving during Lent

Lent is a time of discipline. And the discipline of stewardship—of planned and consistent giving—is appropriate for this time. As you spend time in contemplation this season, consider planning your giving for this season as well as seasons to come. You can use ParishSOFT Giving—our secure giving option accessible through our church website—to plan and give this season. 

You can find the Online Giving link at or access it from our Kiosks at