*The graphics below are all yours! Save any of these images on your device to share on social media, in a text message, an email, or any other platform of your choosing. It's a great way to ask someone how you can pray for them. OR let them know you are praying for them. Other ways to let someone know you are praying for them is to write them a letter or draw a picture for them. Get the kids involved too!
Here is a a simple template you can use to get you started:
Hello _____! I wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and am praying for you.
Hello_____! You are in my thoughts, and I love you - do you have a specific intention that I can pray for you today?
Hello _____! I'm going to Eucharistic Adoration, I'd love to pray for any intentions you may have.
You don't have to ask for specifics intentions, you can let them know that God knows the details as well, but letting them know you're praying for them even if they don't "need" it can be very encouraging no matter what.
We also have a prayer ministry who can pray for your intentions as well. If you have a prayer request, please click the button below: