OCIA for Adults

The process by which adults come into the Catholic Faith is called "OCIA" - the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults. Perhaps you have never been baptized, or have been baptized as a Catholic or other Christian faith but never received further faith formation. OCIA is for you! Adults are fully initiated into the Catholic Church during this process, celebrating Baptism, if needed, Confirmation and First Eucharist. Holy Eucharist offers a year round OCIA process, so a person may enter the first phase, at any time throughout the year. Inquirers bring their questions about Christianity and Catholicism to the meetings, which are led by members of the OCIA team. Our adults are dismissed after the homily during the 8:30am mass and engage in an hour long reflection on the readings for the week and how they connect to our lives and the Catholic faith. We look forward to walking with you on your faith journey!

For more information, contact our parish office - 609 268 8383 or complete the inquiry form and we'll get back with you.