Our KIDZONE and TIME TRAVELERS programs return on Sunday, September 10th.
KIDZONE: For kids ages 2-5 yrs. at the 10:30am Sunday Mass and at all Masses during LIFT weekends - Contact Lynne Beamer for more information
TIME TRAVELERS: For kids in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. Offered at the 8:30am and 10:30am Sunday Masses and at all Masses during LIFT weekends - Contact Donna Remaley for more information
MIDDLE SCHOOL MINISTRY: for kids in grades 5th through 7th grade. Meets once a month starting Friday, 9/22 at 6:30pm (CLICK HERE FOR GATHERING DATES) on a Friday evening at 6:30pm - contact Donna Remaley for more information
HERO: our Youth Ministry, for teens in grades 8th-12th, returns on Wednesdays, starting September 13th at 6:30pm - contact Jeff Siedlecki for more information
LIFT: our once a month Faith Formation program, starting on September 16th and 17th. For more information on LIFT and/or to register, click the button below or contact Donna Remaley, the Director of Faith Formation.