Our parish can't thrive without our minister volunteers who serve in so many ways. Some ministers serve in visible ways like our lectors, music ministers, Faith Formation leaders and more, while many serve in less visible ways, that are no less important, like our folding ministry (folds each and every Worship Aid by hand for every Mass), the Hope Ministry (provides transportation for those who need help getting around), the prayer shawl ministry (who knits prayer shawls to lay over those who are in need of healing) and many more.
We can't be the community that we are and, more importantly, desire to become without our ministers! We love our minister volunteers, and we want to celebrate each and every one of you. This experience is a family-friendly, alcohol-free event that will include lunch, music and an entertaining magician, as well as a lot of fun! If you've served countess days or one day, we want you and your family there! RSVP by clicking the button above - we want to be prepared for you!