ACTS Ministry is sponsoring a Family Seder Meal on March 31, 2019 from 3:00-5:00 pm in Hoffman Hall. A Seder Meal allows participants to better understand the Jewish roots of our Christian faith. In particular, knowing more about the Seder helps Christians explore the Jewish background of the Last Supper celebrated by Jesus. What Jesus did at this meal was to fulfill an Old Testament promise established in the Book of Exodus. Both the original Exodus and the Cross deliver people and show that God keeps his promises. When believers in Jesus observe a Seder, they affirm and celebrate these links and the continuity of the testaments.
We are inviting families to join us in this wonderful recognition of our Jewish background. We will be led by a representative from the Jews for Jesus organization. This is most definitely a child-friendly event. We will share a meal, pot luck style. The main course of breaded chicken cutlets will be provided. You are invited to bring a Passover side dish to share, if you wish. Here is a website link for 25 Passover sides: